Mathematics(Research talks)
- Scattering of the Vlasov-Riesz systems in three dimensions, PDE and Applied Analysis at POSTECH (online), Sep. 2024.
- Scattering of the Vlasov-Riesz systems in three dimensions, PDE seminar at Yonsei University(online), Aug. 2024.
- Scattering of the Vlasov-Riesz systems in three dimensions, Nonlinear PDEs Summer School, UC Berkeley, Jun. 2024.
- Interior and boundary mixed norm derivative estimates for nonstationary Stokes equations, Joint Mathematical Meeting 2024, Jan. 2024.
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts on Lipschitz domains, Analysis Seminar at Temple University, Nov. 2023.
- Interior and boundary mixed norm derivative estimates for nonstationary Stokes equations, 19th Praire Analysis Seminar at Kansas State University, Nov. 2023.
- Interior and boundary mixed norm derivative estimates for nonstationary Stokes equations, PDE and Differential Geometry Seminar at UCONN, Oct. 2023.
- On global weak solutions of a Stokes-Magneto system with fractional diffusions, 2023 AMS Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Mar. 2023.
- On global weak solutions of a Stokes-Magneto system with fractional diffusions, Brown Applied Math Graduate Student Seminar, Mar. 2023.
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts on planar domains, Brown Applied Math Graduate Student Seminar, Oct. 2022.
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts, UNIST PDE seminar, Jun. 2022.
- Elliptic equations in divergence forms with drifts in $L^2$, KMS Spring Meeting, Apr. 2022 (contribution talks)
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts on planar domains, Workshop for young mathematicians in Korea, Jan. 2022.
- $W^{1,2+\varepsilon}$-results for elliptic equations with singular drifts in weak $L^n$-spaces, KMS Spring Meeting, Apr. 2021 (contribution talks)
- $W^{1,2+\varepsilon}$-results for elliptic equations with drifts in weak $L^n$-spaces, KIAS Analysis, PDE & Probability Seminar, Jan. 2021
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts term on Lipschitz domains, HA-GMT-PDE seminar, Sep. 2020
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts on Lipschitz domains, KIAS Analysis, PDE & Probability Seminar, Dec. 2019
- Neumann problems for elliptic equations with singular drifts on Lipschitz domains, KMS Fall Meeting, Oct. 2019 (contribution talks)
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts on Lipschitz domains, Mathematics Department Workshop, Sogang Univ., Jan. 2019.
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts on Lipschitz domains, PDE Seminar, IBS-CGP, Jan. 2019
- Dirichlet problems for elliptic equations with singular drifts in Lipschitz domains, Joint Meeting of the Korean Mathematical Society and the German Mathematical Society, Oct 2018 (contribution talks).
- Dirichlet problems for elliptic equations with singular drifts in Lipschitz domains, Graduate student seminar at Yonsei Univ, September 2018
- Elliptic equations with singular drifts in Lipschitz domain, Workshop for students in Analysis and PDE, July 2018.
Mathematics(Expository talks since 2016)
- Local Well-posedness and singularity formuation of Burgers equations I, GLESPA, Mar. 2024.
- A role of pressures in Navier-Stokes equations, GLESPA, Feb. 2023.
- Survey on Landau damping, PDE and Applied Analysis Seminar, POSTECH, Jun. 2022.
- On Leray’s fundamental works on Navier-Stokes equation, Stupid Seminar, Jan. 2019.
- $L^2$-boundedness of the Cauchy integral operator on Lipschitz curves, KIAS Analysis&PDE Learning seminar, Oct 2018
- The resolution of the Hilbert 19th problem, Sogang Graduate Student Seminar, Sep 2018.
- How to solve the law of nature?, Freshmen seminar at Sogang University, May 2018.
- Why Nash got Abel prize?, Quaternion (POSTECH undergraduate seminar), May 2017.
- On the $L_p$-theory of parabolic and elliptic equations of second order, Night Seminar at KAIST, January 2017
- Caccioppoli inequality for linear elliptic systems and stationary Stokes equation, Stupid Seminar, June 2016
${\rm \LaTeX{}}$
- Intensive lectures on ${\rm \LaTeX}$ for mathematicians, SNU, Jan. 2022 and Feb. 2022.
- Intensive Lectures on ${\rm \LaTeX}$ for mathematicians, CNU, Aug. 2021.
- Introduction to ${\rm \LaTeX}$, Lecture series for writing scientific paper, SKKU, Feb. 2021
- Intensive Lectures on ${\rm \LaTeX}$ for mathematicians, CBNU, Nov. 2020
- Intensive Lectures on ${\rm \LaTeX}$ for mathematicians, IBS-CGP, Jan. 2019
- Writing mathematics symbol in ${\rm \LaTeX}$, Korean TeX Society, Kongju University, Nov. 2018.
- Intensive Lectures on ${\rm \LaTeX}$ for mathematicians and physicists, KIAS, Nov. 2018
- About ${\rm \LaTeX}$ programming, Sejong Science and Arts Gifted and Talented School, Nov. 2018
- On some difficulties when we use ${\rm \LaTeX}$, 2018 KMS Spring Meeting (Special session: Tools and techniques of mathematical research and education), April 2018
- Intensive lecture on ${\rm \LaTeX}$ for mathematicians, UNIST, 2018.03.30
- Lecture series on ${\rm \LaTeX}$ for beginners: humanities and social sciences, 2018. 01. 16, 2018. 01. 18, 2018. 01. 23.
- Tikz in mathematics, Workshop for writing a document, Korean ${\rm \TeX}$ Society, Kongju University, Nov. 2017
- Making a Beamer Class, Korean ${\rm \TeX}$ Society Conference 2017, Dongguk University, Feb. 2017
- Lecture on Command and Environment, Workshop for writing a document, Korean ${\rm \TeX}$ Society, Kongju University, Nov. 2016
- Making ${\rm \LaTeX}$ Journal Class, Korean ${\rm \TeX}$ Society Conference 2016, Korea University, Jan. 2016.
- Mathematical Typesetting A to Z, Workshop for writing a document, Korean ${\rm \TeX}$ Society, Kongju University, Nov. 2015.
- Making a program book and abstract book by $\text{\TeX}$, Korean ${\rm \TeX}$ Society Conference 2015, NIMS, Jan. 2015.
- Seoul ICM 2014 and ${\rm \LaTeX}$, Workshop for writing a document, Korean $\rm {\TeX}$ Society, Kongju University, Nov. 2014.
- Introduction to LyX and comparison with $\rm {\TeX}$, Annual Meeting on Korean $\rm {\TeX}$ Society, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Feb. 2014.