
Below are some notes I have written up for some courses I have taken or I gave. (Very Rough!)

Also, these are some slide files that were presented in several classes and seminars.

My own note on harmonic analysis and its application to PDEs (I will keep update it)

The following notes are available upon request (incomplete note/not open to public)

  • Introduction to Partial Differential Equation (written in Korean)
  • Existence of forward self-similar solution of Navier-Stokes for large initial data (review note of the work of Jia-Sverak)
  • Lectures on elliptic and parabolic equations on Holder spaces (based on the book of Krylov)
  • Introduction to Random process (based on the book of Krylov)
  • Littlewood-Paley theory and Kato-Ponce inequality (based on the paper of Dong Li, Fractional Leibniz rules and Kato-Ponce inequality)
  • Local well-posedness and gradient blow up of Burgers type equations

${\rm \LaTeX{}}$

Below are lecture notes on LaTeX (usually written in Korean)